Talk UX is an annual international design & technology

conference led by wome


Fairfield Social Club, September 20th 2019

Talk UX is brought to you by Ladies that UX, a global organisation that has created an international community of inspiring, supportive women in design and tech. Founded in Manchester, Ladies that UX is leading a global movement, with chapters in over 55 cities worldwide, that empowers women to achieve their full potential. We shed light on the bridges that women in UX build between problems and solutions, user needs and products, and design and technology.

Gain insights

Enhance your knowledge and skills by learning from industry leaders and experts. Hear stories from accomplished UX professionals as they share their experiences.

Make Connections

Meet local and global fellow-UX practitioners who are as passionate as you. Join a vibrant community, expand your reach, and further your career.

Get inspired

Celebrate the exciting work of incredible women in design and technology and leave inspired to encourage change in your organisation.


Kirsty Styles

Marketing, communications and data

Compere for the day

Lou Cordwell, OBE

CEO, magneticNorth

Redesigning success

Basak Haznedaroglu

Consultant and Coach

About the speaker

Alley Rutzel

UX Director, Google

Collaborating in a Global Workforce

Clara Kliman Silver

UX Researcher, Google

Understanding Designer-Developer Collaboration: Insights from UX Research

Gemma Germains

Head of Customer Experience, CANYON Bicycles

Connecting the dots: From content design to customer experience

Camille Gribbons

UX Designer,

“This Design Sucks” and other anecdotes from launching a travel app in Indonesia from 7,057 miles away


Fairfield Social Club
Archway 6
Temperance Street
M12 6HR






In kind

Team & Volunteers

Learn about all of the women volunteering to bring this conference to Manchester.

Llara Geddes

Head of UX, User Conversion

Fianna Hornby

Marketing Manager, Auto Trader UK

Yun Hubbard

Freelance Graphic Designer & Photographer

Jenni Midgley

Engagement & Communications Lead, AQA

Tamara Undesser

Frontend Developer, Auto Trader UK

Fern Williams

User Researcher, Hippo Digital

Lizzie Kelly-Dyson

UX Designer, Booking Go